Organization: Cash Learning Partnership
Registration deadline: 24 Nov 2015
Starting date: 30 Nov 2015
Ending date: 02 Dec 2015
In the Sahel region an increasing number of organizations are now implementing Cash Transfers in diverse sectors. The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) has hosted a Regional Learning event on CTP lessons learnt in West Africa in March 2013, but since then, a lot of new actors have developed innovative tools, daring programs, and ambitious initiatives, with important lessons learnt to capitalize on for the institutionalization of cash transfers.
Although the Community of Practice has been developing its experience and skills, it still faces several challenges. The Ebola crisis highlighted the limits practitioners are confronted with when it comes to rapidly deploying teams to implement cash transfers beyond the food security sector, in a volatile context. With the need to enhance its capacity for timely crisis response the Community of Practice also faces the challenges of scaling up its activities, including working on a cross-sectoral basis and with institutions and state actors. Now that CTP is globally accepted, identifying and filling resource gaps constitutes a significant area of work that needs to be supported.
What is missing in order to ensure the timely design and implementation of CTP? What resources do we have, what do we need to be able to do to implement CTP in a range of sectors, contexts, partnerships? What are the initiatives already piloted that could be built on to improve our capacities?
What should we do to get ready for Cash Transfer Programming?
The West Africa region is also committed to a global process of developing social protection schemes at the national level. The advancement of this process is heterogeneous depending on the countries, but is pushing for bridges to build between emergency CTP actors and safety nets pioneers.
Being prepared requires not only routinely considering CTP as a potential option, but also mainstreaming it throughout the emergency response cycle (preparedness, emergency response, early recovery), in liaison with longer term actors; and furthermore “***where implemented it is done so, in a high quality and timely manner, and when relevant at scale***”
The CaLP considers preparedness as a global priority, including in the West Africa region. As such the Community of Practice is invited to attend a Learning Event organized by the CaLP and its partners on November 30 - December 2, 2015, entitled “Getting Prepared for Cash Transfers”. This 3 day-event will be organized to cover various aspects of Preparedness, by presenting lessons learnt and introducing tools and initiatives supported in the region by practitioners.
Please click here to access the complete agenda.
How to register:
To sign up for the event please click here
For more information please contact Nathalie Cissokho at